Title: Re: [ozmidwifery] Gyno?
Dear Darren and Anne

Anne is spot on.  I thought it but wasn’t going to say it (again!).  Your friend has had problems, but assuming this pregnancy is normal and she is healthy then she doesn’t need, and is better of without an Obstetrician.

This reminds me of IVF women I have known (my cousin and daughters God Mother so I know them well!)  The intervention was required to get pregnant! If they had normal healthy pregnancies (which they did) then why continue with the Ob?

Both by the way had shocking interventions, my cousin (in Brisbane) forceps delivery, baby never had any urge to suck, so bottle fed,  an episiotomy extended tear that was sutured so badly she required it to be repaired at 16 weeks (charming!) and now again pregnant with twins thanks to that marvellous IVF going in for the elective
c/section - and I’m the families lunatic?!

The other thing is your friend will need emotional support after the trauma of the ectopic pregnancies, surely midwife care would be much better than her 7 minutes of glory (thanks Lynne must use that one!!) with the Ob

In solidarity


Dear Darren,
If your friend wants to have a no unecessary intervention birth then don't send her to a obstetrician.
Tell her to put her name down for the Birth Centre at the Royal Women's Hospital - phone 36368966.  
If she is so determined to have a no intervention birth then she should not have any qualms about going to the north side for this midwifery care.
Anne Clarke
----- Original Message -----
From: Darren Sunn <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  
To: Ozmidwifery <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  
Sent: Tuesday, January 28, 2003 7:31 PM
Subject: [ozmidwifery] Gyno?

I would like to ask if anyone knows an Gyno in the Southside-Brisbane area that I could refer a close friend of mine to.
She is pregnant with her first baby from IVF after having Two ectopic pregnancies. She tried so hard to get everything right for her previous pregnancies but that was not to be. She wants to have a no intervention birth and with a midwife is preferable, but due to her situation/history would like a sympathetic gyno to refer to.

Any help would be appreciated.


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