Seeking your help again...

Have just farewelled my little 9-week-old niece and her parents after their
stay overnight here.  I have never seen it before, but I suspect strongly
that the little one has thrush.  She has a terribly sore and red/inflamed
bottom and during an upset phase I took her to the window to try and
distract/calm her and whilst she was crying I noticed she almost appeared
almost to be getting a tooth or two on her gums - although not quite in the
right place - I then noticed three or four other small white marks and dots
on the roof of her mouth and inside her cheeks - didn't see her tongue very
well so not sure if any spots there.  I have never seen oral thrush before
but have presumed this is it??

There hasn't been any antibiotics for her or her mother and her mother
doesn't have any symptoms of thrush (and she does know them as has had
vaginal thrush before) although she mentioned a sore-ish throat on and off
of late.

I proclaimed to her parents I suspected thrush in the little one and we
immediately dosed mother with probiotic powder and sent father out to get
acidophilus to take home with them.

Does anyone know of any wonderful natural (or other, if it comes to it)
treatment for babe and mother, as we really don't want mother ending up with
thrush of the nipples and associated ongoing complications.

They're hoping to see a GP tomorrow to confirm - I know they will want to
minimise their use of pharmaceuticals as much as they can - but they do need
to treat this - so seeking your help.

Thank you.

Jo Slamen

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