Title: Re: [ozmidwifery] homebirth
Hi, Kim!  Two friends (one who is a midwife and childbirth educator) and I facilitate a group in Brisbane called "Birthtalk : Sharing, Empowering, Celebrating Birth".  We have about 10 women currently attending our Forums and Healing From Birth meetings.  At least 4-5 of these women are planning homebirths.

We would be glad to have a chat to you anytime: I will include more info about Birthtalk at the end of this email.  

You will also find information on the Home Midwifery Association (HMA) website at www.homebirth.org.au.  They have a list of homebirth midwives in the Bris, Sunshine and Gold coast areas.  There are a few out there...you just have to know where to find them!!  And when you do : they are lovely people...well, the ones I've met are, anyway!  THe HMA also have meetings every fortnight at Windsor in Bris, where you can meet lots of other homebirth mums and ask heaps of Q's.

Also see the other email I am posting to Ozmid today : about our first "Birthtalk" mum to have her baby : a beautiful vbac (vaginal birth after caesarean) homebirth!  And we have women due every month up to July, so far.

Best of luck, and feel free to call anytime.
Birthtalk : Sharing, Empowering, Celebrating Birth

Birthtalk presents two Groups for women, meeting at Toowong in Brisbane on a monthly basis.     We hope to empower women by providing access to current literature & information about birth, as well as birthing options in the Brisbane, Sunshine Coast and Gold Coast area.   In both our groups, we encourage an atmosphere of celebration of birth, and of ourselves as women.  

Birthtalk Forum is a series of forums for women to share their thoughts, expectations and experiences of birth.  This Forum is for pregnant women, and any woman passionate about Birth.  Women are invited to talk to mothers who have already birthed babies and learn from each woman's experience.  Each month presents a different Topic to be discussed , however, individual concerns and questions are always welcome.  

        Healing From Birth  Support Group : through this group, we aim to provide a support  network for women who are healing emotionally from past birth experiences and those who are preparing for births after a difficult previous birth .   It is a venue for women to debrief & share in a safe environment.  Women can talk to other mothers and share ideas to support each other.  This group may be of benefit to women recovering emotionally from a Caesarean birth or a difficult or disappointing vaginal delivery.   

        We at Birthtalk believe that the birthing process is an important rite of passage allowing for women's personal growth.  A woman's experience of the birthing process, whether positive, negative or indifferent, is what she will carry into motherhood, as a source of strength or as a challenge.  This is why Birthtalk was formed : because we believe that women are entitled to have access to knowledge that will enable them to make the best possible birthing choices for themselves and their babies , and perhaps further understand their past birth experiences.

birthtalk  aims to:

- provide a forum for women to share their thoughts, expectations and experiences of birth

- to empower women by providing access  to current and accurate literature & information about birth and birthing options

- provide a support network for women who are healing from past birth experiences and those who are preparing for births after a difficult previous birth

- to encourage an atmosphere of celebration of birth, and of ourselves as women.

Birthtalk is facilitated by a group of mothers, including a midwife and childbirth educator, who saw a need for a Forum such as this.

Debby : ph 3379 7424
Karen : ph 3720 1101
Melissa : ph 3356 7449

email us at : [EMAIL PROTECTED]

----- Original Message -----
From: Judy Waller <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  
Sent: Wednesday, January 29, 2003 6:35 PM
Subject: [ozmidwifery] homebirth

i'm in bayside brisbane area and looking for a midwife to deliver my first child. I wish to avoid hospital birth and I  don't know whether  midwifes do homebirths in Australia due to insurance.


can anyone give me a contact, even if it's somewhere to start, please?
thanks, kim.

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