Hi Rita
I'm actually run CARES with Jo, so am involved with this research crisis!(tearing our hair out and wondering where to go/move next - we are 2 mothers with 5.5children between us all under 6 so it is a challenge timewise).   I was forwarding on the research query as a help for support for Robin Henrikson at Monash Uni.  But that is a great idea to give her some ammo to fight for her proposal - I'll pass it on.

Deliverywoman wrote:
This must be extremely frustrating for you Jo, but I must say isn' it
interesting, for those that read Carolyn Donaghey posting in relation to her
research being knocked back by the ethics committee.

Maybe Carolyn, you might be able to show your ethics committee Jo's
"research invitation" and say surely this is worse ?????????

The red tape we all have to deal with in this hierachial society,  something
has to give sometime..................

Yours in Childbirth and with the Love of Friendship

Mother of David – 13, Haydie – 11, Alysha – 10 and Baby Tyler 8 months
Registered Nurse, Student Midwife (currently in hiatus – due to
injury), Aspiring CBE and Doula

--------- Original Message --------
From: Jo & Dean Bainbridge <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: [ozmidwifery] I am back! Did ya miss me?
Date: 04/02/03 05:12


Hi everyone,
I am back with a newly polished soap box and a
major thing to be yelling about!
I am going to jump straight into it with the stress
that I am not going to stay on the list for long (a few weeks perhaps) so
may have to contact me off list for further details.
Okay, everyone sitting down???
Guess who is doing an Australian/New Zealand
multi-centred study called ACTOBAC A Controlled Trial Of Birth After
which (wait for it) is a randomised controlled trial involving 2000
The study is being conducted by Professor Caroline Crowther.&nbsp; It
women with one previous cs and they will be randomised at 34 weeks.&nbsp;
who are designated the vbac option will have mandatory continuous
monitoring and
all the other woman unfriendly policies imposed on vbacs, inductions or
augmentations&nbsp;will not be excluded.&nbsp;The&nbsp;unfortunate women
who are
allocated to the cs group, if they (inconveniently) go into spontaneous
they&nbsp;will be given an emergency cs.
How do I know all this??&nbsp; CARES was contacted
after Crowther read my article in Birth Perinatal Issues Journal (Sept
2002) and
asked us to make some comments on the trial....we made comments
alright!&nbsp;&nbsp;5 pages worth for starters.&nbsp; The issues and
are many and varied.&nbsp; the language used is appalling, the information
biased and the methodology dubious.&nbsp; An then there is the little
issue of
it being completely unethical!&nbsp;&nbsp;we got a reply after almost
months with a "thanks for your feed back.&nbsp; We are proud to announce
trial has been approved for funding".&nbsp;
this is an unacceptable and insulting response to
say the least.&nbsp; we have had no further comment from them.
So how annoyed are you so far?? it gets
better.&nbsp; As this is a long posting as it is, (typical for me huh?) If
want to know more please let me know.&nbsp; To end this email I will give
the first paragraph from the information pamphlet provided to us by the
team in November:
"For someone like yourself who has had a previous
caesarean section a decision needs to be made as to whether your baby is
born by allowing a vaginal birth or whether a repeat caesarean section
should be
and it gets so much
hope to hear from interested parties as soon as
possible as I am writing to the ethics committees and need as much weight
support our objections.&nbsp; (ACMI National level would be appreciated if
are listening!)&nbsp; Remember that this is going to recruiting women from
major women's &amp; children's hospital in every capital city around this
cheers for now
Jo Bainbridgefounding member CARES
6918birth with trust, faith &amp; love...


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