Hi all,
I'm writing for ideas for a friend, has had a previous LSCS for failure to progress after an induction, now 39 weeks and has just found out baby is breech.  Desperately wants to try for a VBAC, now thinking it's all out the window.  What I need from you wise women, is a shortlist of what I should suggest to her, as she doesn't have much time, and going in for accupuncture treatments, or trying hands and knees might just not work in time.  Is it reasonable to suggest she try an ECV at this late stage ( I know there are increased risks associated with a previous LSCS, but she may decide that those risks are fewer than those of a repeat section).  I want to suggest to her the things which have the best chance of working, while being honest about the risks, and failure rate, so she can make up her own mind.

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