Further to Sally's very pertinent comments I would like to recommend the website www.fertility.com.au  Can help find natural therapists to treat etc., and their books are to be thoroughly recommended also.  Our 2nd pregnancy took 6 months to get on the go - (first one 2 months), and we conceived after hubby and I BOTH treated.  Also continued to consult with a natural therapist throughout pregnancy - a great experience.  Don't always assume the fault is with the woman - men's sperm counts are declining overall at a quite alarming rate due to pollutants/chemicals in farming and some workplaces/homes.  I think all couples should be counselled to have a good "clean-out" before conception.
Jo Slamen
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Monday, February 24, 2003 9:31 AM
Subject: RE: [ozmidwifery] baby wanted

This is from a personal point of view. I am 25 and we have been trying for a baby for over 10 months now. I have not ovulated or had a period since coming the pill 11 months ago. The entire experience has been devastating and I started to doubt my body's ability to operate normally and whether my husband and I were ever suppose to have children together.
After about 6 months, I eventually took myself to a doctor who sent me off to a leading fertility specialist on the Sunny Coast, QLD. While I am sure this man is capable of helping a lot of women, the 4 month experience was very invasive, impersonal and left me feeling degraded and vulnerable. I was informed that there was nothing the doctors could do and the only option I had was to try drugs and the IVF program - something I was not comfortable with. Even if I did go though this process I was only given a very small chance of ever falling pg.
In a desperate effort to find an alternative, I started doing some research on the internet and discovered a host of fertility support groups and information. I pulled myself together, with the support of one of these groups and took myself off to a naturopath who specialises in fertility management and women's health. It was here I discovered that I actually had severe Candida (along with a few other surprises) which was affecting all my internal organs including hormone production. I am also very low in estrogen and was diagnosed by the specialist as having PCOS (I am also slim with non of the normal "symptoms").  
I have just finished a one month initial program with the naturopath. I had a check up on Friday and things are looking much much better. I am happy to announce that in this brief period I have ovulated for the first time since coming off the pill (something the specialist told me was impossible without the assistance of drugs), overcome the Candida infection and my hormones are coming back into balance.
After my visits with the fertility specialist I seriously believed that I would never fall pg and had actually given up all hope of having children. However through the support of a fertility support group (many who have had multiple miscarriages and gone on to have many children) and the naturopath, I am feeling confident once again.
I would strongly suggest she tries to get in contact with a fertility support group and attempts to find a sympathic health provider. If she needs some assistance or wants to chat to someone in a similar position, I would be quite happy to help.
-----Original Message-----
From: Julie Garratt [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Sunday, 23 February 2003 10:46 PM
To: Ozmid
Subject: [ozmidwifery] baby wanted

Hi all,
 I need some wisdom for a young women who was tears telling me how desperately she wants to get pregnant, she has been trying for about 5 months.
She is 21, had an abortion at 16 and three recent miscarriages. She also has huge guilt that her past may have permanently damaged her body.
 Her doctor  told her that she is "low in estrogen" and that is why he put her on a contraceptive pill that had a high estrogen level in the past?
He also said that she has to have several more miscarriages before they will do any tests (cruel unthinking bastard!)
 She is very slight in stature (maybe wears size 6 jeans) but otherwise healthy and has a good diet.
 If you clever people can help with some advise so she can do something proactive I think it will be a great comfort to her.
All tips, tricks and recommendations welcome:)
Thankyou, Julie'',
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