Dear Anne,
God bless you. Thankyou. You have put the love back into this situation for me and I appreciate your advice. I love it when a no does not always have to be a no and thats the end of it. Just like when the cervix is 6cms but deemed 4cms on paper to allow for birthing time. Where there is a will there is a way. Thankyou for the will and the way to keep going.  My endorphin levels are on the rise again and it feels great thank you.....Happy birthing .. Jennie Want.
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Wednesday, March 12, 2003 8:26 AM
Subject: Re: [ozmidwifery] crystal therapy

Dear Jennie,
If the women wish to use the crytals that is their business not other Midwives or administrators.
Just talk to them prior to labour about them and if you cannot do that you can inform your clients about them in early labour.  It is then up to them if they wish to use them.  You don't have to document or tell anyone else as it is the woman's decision to use them, you are not 'prescribing' them.
You could argue if they challenged you again for them (midwives & admin) to prove if they do harm to the labouring woman and that it was the womans decision.  You always state to the woman that there is no hard data on crystals but you can give them anecdotal evidence from the woman who stated that they were useful.
Anne Clarke
----- Original Message -----
From: pjwant
Sent: Tuesday, March 11, 2003 10:56 PM
Subject: [ozmidwifery] crystal therapy

Dear List,
I have recently been using crystals at work with some success. Several of my patients have said "they gave me something to focus on; they gave me something to hold on to; I felt protected; I think they really did work thankyou.....However, the sceptics have engaged their will and notified the NPC that they feel this therapy makes us look unprofessional, practicing witchcraft, there is no strong evidence to support their use....etc.... Thus I am no longer able to use the crystals in my work until I find some evidence to support their use.
Therapies such as pethidine and epidurals are sold to all women as "safe modalities for pain relief" instead of being used appropriately to rescue mothers in severe pathological pain states. It is a shame that my strong critics have nothing else to offer women, a sad reflection on our profession. These drugs are offered without any conscious recognition for the evidence available that demonstrates an increased incidence of PND; decreased breastfeeding rates;....etc  or as Michel Odent predicts ever increasing levels of violence in our society due to a generation of offspring who did not have access to the level of oxytocin that promotes bonding and a capacity to love: feeling numb on the inside; not being able to complete tasks; disconnected from society; increase in youth suicide........drug abuse.........the list goes on. But "thats ok....its protocol so lets not concern ourselves with the evidence that suggests these therapies should be avoided in the majority of women"
I need your support to help me work towards achieving safer outcomes for women. I would appreciate any information or evidence any of you may have which may help me develop a protocol for the use of complementary therapies such as crystals etc.... or send me a copy of a protocol you have developed in your working environment. Kind regards Jennie Want (RN.EM.BMid..Masters of Midwifery student)

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