Hi all,
My name is Jo Hunter and I have been a list subscriber on and off for the last year. I'm actually wanting a bit of advise regarding midwifery training. I'll tell you a bit about myself before moving on. I am the Coordinator of Homebirth Access Sydney (HAS) and have been involved with HAS for 5 years, I'm a homebirth mum with 4 small children, have an Associate Diploma in Social Science(Child studies) have completed a few small CBE courses and workshops and am currently setting up Independent CBE classes and a Doula service in the Blue Mtns with Natalie Forbes Dash.
My real passion and hope for future career is midwifery. I would desperately love to apply and be a successful applicant into the direct entry midwifery course at UTS. My current situation with 4 small children at home (only 1 at school) prevents me from applying in the next couple of years, however I'd love to know if there are any correspondence courses that I could complete in order to put me in good stead for success in applying for the course in the future or that may give me exemptions when I do finally get there. Any ideas????
Thanks for your help.
warmest regards
Jo Hunter

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