Dear List
As a midwife with only hospital based past experiences, I would be interested to hear from the homebirth midwives on the list whether they recommend anything differently when attending a woman at homebirth with mec. liquor.  i.e. any oropharyngeal suction on the peri?  and the subsequent outcomes....( I think I know the answers I am going to get!)
 It seems that in a hospital situation everything is so rigid and I for one am not prepared to deviate from the policies set by the paediatricians/obs. on such issues, (especially as I only work on a casual basis)  but my feeling from the discussions on this list of late is that peri suctioning is an unnecessary trauma inflicted on a lot of babies with no benefit.
I have to admit that I haven't researched this topic on line but would value your previous experiences on the subject.
Helen Cahill

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