Hello fellow ozmidders....

just a note to say hello to you all and to say I am still here lurking in cyber space. I have just completed my pain/pharmacology exam today (YEHAAA)...feeling great to have now completed 3 of the 6 semesters of the B Mid...yes I am half way thru the course, can you all believe that!!!!!! I still can't. I pinch myself every day, to make sure I'm awake and not dreaming. It only seemed like yesterday that I sat at the NZCOM conference in Hamilton in 2000, crying my eyes out I watched and listened to the NZ B Mid students present their work...wondering when/if my turn would ever come, shouldered by Kathleen Fahy, who told me to have faith and reassured me it would.....(Hi Kathleen if your lurking :-) So glad I' kept the faith Kathleen!! )

I continue to be inspired by my midwife student peers from ACU, VU, Flinders and UNi SA thru the B Mid Student Collective, which has grown to be an awesome forum of wonderful women and midwives of the future - look out Darwin we are invading!!!!!!!.....I met some of the inugural B Mid students from Monash in Gippsland at a great seminar day the other week in which I was treated to some fantastic work by Trish Davids G Dip students, on the 'Nature of Midwifery' where we facilited some great discussion on the B Mid and how we will 'fit' into the midwifery landscape. Again I was inspired by some wonderful midwifery minds and great women.

This semester has seemed like the looooooooongest semester in 'herstory'....for me filled with 13 weeks of lectures/tutorials, essays by the bucket load, four weeks of clinical placement, following thru 7 beautiful women in their pregnancy and birthing journeys, two of whom birthed their babes into my hands - what an honour!!!! I have worked alongside numerous midwives, each with something unique and genuine to offer a wide eyed student full of questions. THis journey new to them too, who have had an extended teaching role, having never had before midwife students who need educating on drawing up medications and giving injections, IV therapy, catheterisation...etc etc...placement for me was a blast. I was exposed to so much - a variety of experiences all valuable and rich learning.

Oh I love being a midwife!!!!!!
(well I do again this week...pre exam not to sure)

Yours in reforming midwifery
Tina Pettigrew.
B Mid Student ACU Melb

" As we trust the flowers to open to new life

               - So we can trust birth"

Harriette Hartigan.

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