Yeah Tania!
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Wednesday, July 02, 2003 4:22 PM
Subject: [ozmidwifery] my little contribution...

Just had to share, I got my 2 cents worth in on Adelaide radio today - they had a segment called can of worms, and the topic was about when to stop breastfeeding.  You can imagine some of the ill informed and downright brainless caller responses they had (mostly blokes).  So I rang up and let them know about the benefits of long term breastfeeding, for babies and Mum's too, and commented on our sick society and our inability to see that the most natural healthy thing is not rude or 'off'.  I got on the air, and I think they were so dumfounded they had found someone who actually breastfed for a lengthy period of time, they just let me talk!  And to top it off, I won a prize for best caller!  WOW!!!

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