-----Original Message-----
From: lyncottee [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, 11 July 2003 5:16 PM
Subject: help with twins


Dear List,


My nanny agency has just had a call from a mother with 2 week-old twins in the East Brighton area (VIC). She really needs some help with them, the Caesar scar, lactation and all the other issues surrounding a multiple birth. 


She needs someone for the next month from about midnight to 5 am to help with the feeds for about three nights a week.


All the appropriately qualified people on my books are fully booked at the moment but I’d still really like to help her. I’m not seeking to make any profit from this, I just know that she needs some help, as she sounds exhausted. Can anyone assist?




Lyn Cottee

Starlight Angels

-----Original Message-----
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]On Behalf Of Andrea Quanchi
Sent: Friday, 11 July 2003 1:17 PM
Subject: Re: [ozmidwifery] whats happening ?


My thoughts on the not lactating are ? an ultrasound to make sure there is not some placenta left behind. I do remember reading something about Mg So4 having this affect but can't recall where. Will let you know if I can find it.
Andrea Q
On Friday, July 11, 2003, at 07:14 AM, Lynne Staff wrote:

Hi Jan
Must be something in the water - I had 3 t/f to hosp as well in the past 2 months. One  - a primigravida - C/B after BP shot through the roof antenatally and SROM at 37 weeks. She did labour, but for whatever reason, her body did not open, and her BP sneaking up higher and higher despite Mg So4 and hydrallazine. Home now but lactation did not establish and she has tried everything. Is anyone aware of MgSo4 or hydrallazine having an impact on lactation?
Another had the most amazing labour - had been labouring for quite some time before she called (as she and partner had been happy working together). First baby. After some time I asked if I could examine her - something wasn't right - she had the most awful back pain and the babe was not OP - the head VERY deep in the pelvis and had been for some weeks prior to birth. Head was +2 and covered with lower segment. Looking for cervix and finally located it very high and anterior behind the right obturator foramen. Pinhole in size and the lower segment/cervix paper thin. No wonder she had this dreadful backache. I began to massage the tine hole in her cervix very gently - within 5 mins had opened to 3-4. Another 2 hrs later, still awful backache (imagine the stretch on her posterior ligaments), and still the same. Some more gentle massage and the cervix opened to 5-6. Into bath, but backache absolutely unbearable after another hour. Penney asked me to massage again, but my short little fingers could only coax it to 8 where it stayed for the next hour. She decided to go to hosp for some pain relief (!), and when we arrived I organised an epidural for her. Asked to check her again before the anaesthetist arrived, because it might change what she wanted to do - anterior lip, backache gone and she pushed out her baby after I phoned the anaesthetisit to say we wouldn't be requiring him after all. All of us crying - one exhausted but oh so triumphant woman.
Third primigravida, who laboured beautifully at home and the baby just did not come past caput on view despite everything we tried. So decided to go to hosp, where she had a reseonably difficult ventouse - no analgesia (her choice) - she just wanted to have the baby. Hospital staff were wonderful in each case - women and their partners treated with respect and each of the women has come away feeling good about the transfer.
Whew! Sorry about the length of this posting but needed to talk! Thanks for the opening, Jan.
From another very tired and continually learing midwife - Lynne :-)

----- Original Message -----
Sent: Thursday, July 10, 2003 11:14 PM
Subject: [ozmidwifery] whats happening ?

bad run?
unbelievable 5 births this month3 c/s trans from homebirth 1 normal del priv hosp 1 normal del home what is happening  bewildered tired and yuk jan

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