I know I speak for many here in Adelaide, and on the list who value your knowledge and committment to the cause, and who will greatly miss your humorous and invaluable input on the list.  Please.....look after yourself, this is most important.  You can't be everything to everyone else if you aren't able to look after number 1.  You are a truly incredible woman, and you deserve a break!  Take great care, and I look forward to seeing you at another CARES coffee gathering.
Warm hugs
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Tuesday, September 02, 2003 10:46 AM
Subject: [ozmidwifery] see you guys!

well, after all these years of putting the cat amongst the pigeons and jumping up on my soap box I am calling it a day!  I bet most of you who know me never thought the day would come (and know that many others have been praying for it to come LOL).
I am still committed to CARES SA but looked around my house the other day and there is a six year old, a four year old and a two year old....I cant quite remember tem getting to those ages....time to let go of some things.  I will remain interested in VBAC and cs stuff, so if anyone wants to get hold of me just go to the CARES web site:
I will cease my subscription tomorrow in case anyone needs me for anything.  National Caesarean Awareness Day people, please keep in touch with what you are doing...I am hoping that if we can keep record of events we maybe able to get sponsorship for the future.  Can I ask that anyone who is doing anything for NCAD and requires logos or the philosophies/goals/aims etc, please again visit the CARES web site.  The NCAD was initiated by CARES and we must maintain the appropriate 'feel' is not anti cs and should never be used to make full frontal attacks...subtle attacks in the guise of "education and informed choices" etc are always more successful.
As I am suffering a phantom post birth brain ...every 2nd August for the last 6 years I have birthed...until this one :(   I have forgotten the name of the midwife in Tassie who sent me the wonderful VBAC kit that she is involved with.....I am so sorry, your name will pop into my head as soon as I send this...
CAN I JUST SAY THAT WHAT YOU HAVE DONE IS WONDERFUL AND I WILL BE GETTING BACK TO YOU WITH SOME FEEDBACK SOON.  I have lots happening at the moment and every time that gets almost on the top of my to do list something else jumps on top of it.  But I will be getting back to you.  SOON!!!
Once again, thank you to all who have answered my many questions, who have shared with me their knowledge...I am in awe of you all and hold you in the highest admiration. Knowing that there are care providers who still hold the common goal of helping women achieve the most positive births is a welcoming thought!
I will unsubscribe tomorrow.
Cheers for the last time!
Jo Bainbridge
founding member CARES SA
phone: 08 8388 6918
birth with trust, faith & love...

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