Andrea, maybe this means that there is insufficient correct information
circulating.  In it's absence, "chinese Whispers " get passed around.  What
we all need is accurate, up to date information.  cheers, MM
> >
> >Thank you for sending us the emails that have been circulating about the
> >proposed homebirth model at St George.We find much of the content
> >insulting and grossly ill informed.
> >
> >It is hard to imagine where the information has been collected from and
> >find it very sad that so much can be said about what is not yet formed in
> >any way.
> >
> >There is a meeting in a few weeks time and these views will be well
> >represented and discussed in a respectful and honourable manner.
> >
> >Please do not forward us any more emails.
> >
> >You may post this onto ozmidwifery
> >
> >Many thanks
> >
> >Pat Brodie & Nicky Leap
> >
> >
> >


> -----
> Andrea Robertson
> Birth International * ACE Graphics * Associates in Childbirth Education
> web:

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