Dear Diane,

I don't know if anecdotal evidence is what you are after, but my two friends who have had twins have both been post term. One was very angry after the event at being "actively managed", and the other had a completely natural birth. The first was with the NHS (UK) and led by an ob, the second had an independent midwife who had very good relations with the hospital. Apparently when they got to hospital (which was very late she laboured mostly in her kitchen) the staff were itching to get into the room, but the midwife would only allow one other midwife into the room and told everyone else to stay outside.

The other part about the weight of the babies must be questioned as the ultrasound is remarkably inaccurate at guessing weight of babies, isn't it?

There is a good story on in the stories section written by Emma Barker, although it is a uk story a lot of it looks the same kind of thing as here, and certainly sounds the same sort of thing that your client is going through.

Hope this helps,

Claire Saxby

From: "Diane Gardner" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: [ozmidwifery] Twins question
Date: Thu, 11 Dec 2003 23:07:56 +1100

Hi guys,

I need to ask your advice again if you don't mind. I saw my twins couple
again tonight and the mum was very tense. They had just gone to see their Ob
and he discussed the birth with them.

1.  He has told them that they must head for the hospital as soon as she is
in labour as twins usually arrive in around 4 hours???? Is this correct or
an Ob's                 imagination gone wild.

2. He also told her that she would be given an epidural when she was at
4cms and forceps would be used to deliver both babies quickly.

3. He said she would be induced early because the babies at this stage are
already bigger than average size, he quoted 5lb 11oz  (she has 6 weeks
to go) and asked them to think about a date to be delivered. He is really
programming in an early arrival for them and says it every time they visit

How much of this is truth and how much is B.S

This is only my 2nd twins couple but boy am I learning quickly. The first
had no probs whatsoever but then they were delivered in a country hospital.

Many thanks
Diane Gardner

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