I thought this may interest you all, I love that she talks of the awful
things you do , it would scare anyone I should imagine, but to then tell you
to video it all??????

What no one tells you about childbirth
>From Parents Expecting 2002 ( an information ((?)) mag for parents)

Vomiting due to low B/P after epidural also in labour without sometimes

you make nasty noises

you may have a bowel movement right on the delivery table.

You act like a lunatic - especially if you haven't been given any pain

Throwing off your clothes simply a common reaction to pain and exhaustion.If
you do lose it, don't feel bad. Doctors and nurses are used to reactions
such as these. (Still it wouldn't hurt to apologise afterward).

Your mind goes blank

This litany of horrors you should know about ends with... "You're also
likely to forget many details of the birth itself, so be sure your partner
takes plenty of photos or captures it all on
Also to finish off (and this is classic to show that this is all about the

It's not love at first sight. Don't feel bad if your first reaction to
holding your newborn isn't overwhelming joy. You've just been through an
exhausting experience and need time to recover. You can try breastfeeding -
then let a nurse take your child so you can get some rest. That's what I did
after 17 hours labour and a c section. But after an hour, I had them bring
back my baby girl and I was immediately smitten.

Wow I would love to do a study on the journalists who publish these stories
as a catharsis to their own experiences! You know my birth was crap so all
of you should expect crap births!

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