Thought you all might like to know what is happening with my twins mum. Thankyou so much for your input. When the couple came again last night my mum was so much more relaxed. Your emails helped her immensley and she was back to the nice relaxed mum again. Even very confident as well.
Her husband has been attending the last couple Ob visits with her and the Ob hasn't been as intimidating when he was there. Apparently last visit on Monday he got out of his chair and went to the door 3 times to usher them out, probably thought he had finished so they had to be too. Her husband piped up and said we haven't finished asking you questions yet. He sat back down in his chair. Yea good on ya Dad!
He is still telling her that he wants her to have an epidural early so that he can manually turn the second twin if need be thus avoiding a cs. Keeps saying that he has only ever needed to do a cs once and has been able to successfully turn the other baby to be born naturally. (his idea of naturally is quite a bit different to mine - apparently his naturally means vaginally). With her hubby and myself at the birth she has 2 labour ward guardians in case he tries to pull any swiftys (I will be very aware of the medical needs though if they should arise). Did I read somewhere on this site that you can support the uterus after the first twin is born so that the second is in a better position and less likely to go transverse or breech?
This has been very much a learning experience for me and thanks to you guys I have a much better understanding of twin births now. The Ob was saying that there are only 6 Ob's in Melbourne that will "allow" a natural birth. How sad! I certainly understand why mums are so pleased to have home births.
Why do we have to fight soooo hard to have what is rightfully ours. A beautitful birth like nature intended. I am not being naive when I say that as I know that sometimes circumstances arise but those circumstances have to be so programmed in. Being an NLP practitioner I know only too well how we are programmed for things to happen and they are not always a positive programming.


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