There actually is an articles in The Practicing Midwife or is it Practical
Midwifery, a British Journal on this from 1999, I think. In any case I had
several homebirth clients with nipple piercings in Seattle. Most had to take
out their umbilical rings sometime in the 3rd trimester for comfort and
about this time we suggested taking out the nipple piercing too. All of our
women did this without an issue, as the milk appeared to flow from the
piercings I am assuming for these women at least the holes did not heal
over. I was at one birth where the mum did not remove the piercings until
the baby was born: this worked ok too: it is individual preference when they
are removed, but, I think they should be removed before feeding in case they
were to come apart due to suckling and a part get swallowed. However, this
may seem a stupid fear to those more familiar with the piercings equipment:
I would defer to Rhonda on this one. I would think re holes healing up it
would be similar (though not necessarily the same as) ear piercings: my
holes never completely close over despite not wearing earings for
months(even years) at a time and my mother was the same, just put the earing
in again when desired, takes a bit of pushing is all never hurts, where as
others have to always wear earings or the holes close up. Individual

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Vance & Edwina" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Saturday, January 17, 2004 6:03 PM
Subject: [ozmidwifery] Nipple piercing & breastfeeding.

> The following request is from Aviva who was on this list last year.  I
> helped one woman to breastfeed with a nipple ring.  She didn't want it
> removed and we managed to attach the baby with the ring insitu, and all
> seemed to go well while in hospital - but I don't know how long it lasted
> once she went home so I would appreciate any feedback you wise women have
> offer.  I will of course forward the replies to Aviva.
> Thanks, Edwina
> (Message from Aviva reads:)
> Which reminds me. I have a question for Ozmidwifery. Would you please put
> on the loop and forward the replies to me? Maybe I ought to sign back in,
> but it takes so long to get through the emails every day. How is it going?
> (This is, of course, dependent on your still being on said list.)
> The questions relate to feeding and nipple piercing (why??/ why?? do they
> it?):
> If a woman has a pierced nipple, how does this affect her ability to
> breastfeed?
> If she takes the nipple ring out, how long does it take for the hole to
> heal, and does it heal completely, or has she buggered her chances of
> feeding.
> If she's buggered it, what happens???
> --
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