Exactly what i learned too. The reason for the prophylactic anti-D is to prevent those 10% which is quite a significant number. My mother was also neg, dad pos, I am pos (also much prior to antiD)and mum had had several miscarriages, and since I was not compromised I am part of the lucky 90%. I did have childhood friends whose parents were the same  except that all except the first born had to be transfused at birth as they were born "blue". Prophylactic medicine always runs the risk of being thought unnecessary especially when most of the time it wont be needed. So long as those who choose not to use it fully understand the risks (in both directions) it's fine with me. In this case since the antiD was perhaps overlooked/mistakenly not given then perhaps at least the odds are in the mums favour.
----- Original Message -----
From: mh
Sent: Wednesday, January 28, 2004 3:25 AM
Subject: Re: [ozmidwifery] rhesus neg mother

Hi all,
When I learned about rh isoimmunisation etc many years ago I asked about this because my mother is neg, father is pos and all 6 of us are pos, born prior to anti-D (my mother had it after the last child!) with no difficulty, not even physiological jaundice.
 IIRC the incidence of isoimmunisation was only 10% of neg mothers with pos infants but the consequences are so horrific as anyone who's seen a hydropic baby will know, when anti-D was available it was welcomed with open arms.
I have no references for this, only mu possibly faulty memory.
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Wednesday, January 28, 2004 9:59 PM
Subject: Re: [ozmidwifery] rhesus neg mother

Hi Terry,  That is amazing, but I do know that some Jehova Witness members who have had a similar experience with no harm to their subsequent positive babies.  Puzzling eh?  Cheers, MM
Hi Kristen,
Some hope, I have had an Rh neg women have 4 pregnancies her babies were positive, she declined Anti D for her own reasons, and went on to have normal healthy pregnancies and births without problems.
Terry Stockdale
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Tuesday, January 27, 2004 3:09 PM
Subject: [ozmidwifery] rhesus neg mother

Dear List,
I have a 33year woman, with a repro history - 4 x TOP, and recently (3-4 weeks) a miscarrige at 12 weeks ( fetus didnt develop much past 7-9 weeks?) 
She is O -ve blood group and all TOP were followed with Anti-D.  However following the recently complete miscarriage, she was not given Anti-D.  It seems the doctor 'forgot', 'didnt realise' or was incompetent..?!? No D & C was performed.
She is concerned now her future pregnancy will be affected.  Her partner is + ve grp.
What does she need to do to confirm whether her subsequent preg are at risk? How risky is this for her and babe?
During TOP or miscarriages does much of the fetus blood pass into the mothers circulation?
Thanks for your help!,

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