Hi everyone,

I have just come back from visiting my family in the States for an extended Christmas break. I must say that I have had a very interesting read of everyone's comments - The Today show's live CS was especially of interest!
On another note I just want to let everyone know that there will be a conference held on 16-18th of July 2004 by the Australian Association for the Study of Religions (AASR) at the University of Western Sydney.
I will be chairing a session on spirituality and childbirth and putting out an invitation to all of those who might be interested in attending or participating in the session. If you are interested in participating please send a 50-100 word abstract of the proposed paper with your affiliation to me by the 26th of March. I know that many of you might only be interested in attending and I do believe that there are one day costs (which is very cheap). Once all of the information on the conference becomes available I will post it to the site. The other sessions are very interesting- though they do not deal with birth - they include: Spirituality and Social Justice; Sacred Texts and Textual criticism; Islamaphobia; Multiculturalism, Religion and the Other; History of the Christian/Islam Encounter; and Alternative Spiritualities and the Other.

Just to let everyone know the AASR is an association which comprises of approx. 300 people of varying backgrounds. There are teachers, academics, students all from cross-disciplinary areas. So although the conference is academic in nature - there is a more relaxed feel to it.

I hope to see some of you there.

Take care

Alphia Possamai-Inesedy Ba (Hons.)
PhD. Candidate
School of Applied and Human Sciences
Bankstown Campus, University of Western Sydney
UWS Locked Bag 1797
South Penrith Distribution Centre
NSW 1797 Australia

Phone: 02 97726628
Fax: 02 97726584

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