Personally i have had lots of trouble with my wrists which became agony with my second child. I invested in a lot of good accupuncture, after 20 treatments post birth it pretty much went away. No trouble until preg with third baby and used massage to treat it, no ongoing problems. Now pregnant with fourth baby i have noticed small flair ups that seem to coincide with an increase of relaxin in the body as other things seem to also crash at the same time. I also noticed similar stuff when menstruating in between babies. My problems went back to my days as a haidresser, lots of pre-existing damage that i didin't know existed and pregnancy just brought it all to a head.
I now have a lot of faith in the accupuncture I received and believe it saved me from uneccesary surgery that could/would have been reccomended if I saw a GP.
Hope it is of some help, as I am amazed at how many women suffer from this, but also we need to have a good look at what we ask of our bodies and how little respect we have for it. Also have doing yoga for years and that helps with posture etc.
-----Original Message-----
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]On Behalf Of Mary Doyle
Sent: Tuesday, 3 February 2004 8:16
To: ACE Graphics
Subject: [ozmidwifery] Carpel Tunnell Syndrome

Dear List Readers,
I have had a number of pregnant women recently with severe carpel tunnell syndrome, especially in the hot weather. Some have had severe symptoms with constant pain and numbness to fingers, wrists and forearms, and subsequent sleeplessness. Some tried remedies have been wrist splints, massage and lymph drainage (as in those with post-mastectomy lymphodema) , diuretics, and sleeping tabs - all to no avail! 
The only remedy it seems is to birth the baby. Even then I have known one woman with permanent numbness and hand/finger pain following the birth.
I am interested in the antenatal management of this if anyone has any information, and I am also generally interested in the physiology of a woman's diuresis after birth.  I am often surprised at the dramatic difference in facial appearance of a postpartum woman who has been been very puffy prior to birth.
eg:-          Why to some women get more oedema after birth before it starts to settle?
                What sort of volumes are we talking about in relation to postpartum diuresis?
                What happens to the balance of maternal electrolytes during this rapid postpartum diuresis?
Hope to hear some new info, Cheers to all.
Mary Doyle
Community Midwife

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