Hi Julie,

Glad to see you are still on the list.  I am proud to tell you that I have finally decided what I want to be when I grow up!  (It only took until I was 30!) I have decided to do the child birth educator course thru ACE.  Unfortunately I am still an under grad so I will have to see if my merits as co-ordinator of CARES and associated activities can scoot me in!  the problem I have faced in the last 5 years is that in order to do something that I feel very passionate about (mother craft/antenatal educator/involved with policy directions) i.e. helping mothers with the transition into parenting with as much support as possible…you need to be a nurse or a mw!  I don’t really want to be either. I certainly don’t want a degree I don’t have any intention on using. No disrespect meant, I just couldn’t do it as well as I would want to and would last 2 minutes in a hospital…the rebellious me would not be able to be contained!


SO!  As I am as slow as a wet week (although with the recent weather hot weeks suck!), I have missed this years intake!  Typical 2 weeks late!  But I will be working my way thru this year with the goal of enrolling as soon as I can!  Is there any way to get a list of books required so I can start buying now?  I would be proud to be apart of the Child Birth educator community!

Anyway, better go.  Thanks for the cartoon!  Very funny!

Cheers Jo


-----Original Message-----
From: Julie Clarke [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, 24 February 2004 5:01 PM
To: 'Dean & Jo Bainbridge'
Subject: RE: [ozmidwifery] Just when you thought it was safe!


Hi Jo,

Your email message made me laugh J

I am certain there is some wholesome lunatic in all of us.

Whether its manic depressive or bi polar disorder – who knows!

Glad you are back.

Look after yourself.

I have attached a joke for you.



Julie Clarke CBE

Childbirth and Parenting Educator

ACE Grad-Dip Supervisor

NACE Advanced Educator and Trainer


Transition into Parenthood

9 Withybrook Pl

Sylvania NSW 2224.

T. (02) 9544 6441

F. (02) 9544 9257

Mobile 0401 2655 30




From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Dean & Jo Bainbridge
Sent: Tuesday, 24 February 2004 4:44 PM
Subject: [ozmidwifery] Just when you thought it was safe!


Hello everyone!


Just thought I would step up on my soap box once again and find out how everyone is doing these days! I have still been a lurker on the ausbirthing list so got a gist of some things that have happened (not all good).


For those who don’t know me, or who have undergone therapy to forget me!  I am Jo Bainbridge, co-ordinator of CARES SA (a cs and vbac support group here in South Aus.)  I am also apart of the Maternity Co.  and an active consumer for birthing issues. 


As I said last time I was on, anything that is said on this list by me is my opinion personally and may not reflect CARES philosophy and should not be taken as such.


Hope to hear from familiar names and cant wait to meet new ones!



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