Title: Message
Sandra and other disaffected Queensland midwives,
 This was raised at QNU MOD meeting last Monday here in Brisbane. General consensus is we all write to - local member, Mr Nuttall, Mr Buckland, QNC, universities and your DON.
This is a time when SENIOR NURSES & MIDWIVES in Qld Health need to put their hands up and show leadership, something many are reluctant to do in view of the L3,4 5 review. Why do most look for others (union) to lead the fight all the time? Maybe because we have all been brutalised, traumatised by the system we cannibalise our own.
However as a QNU councillor I will be continuing the fight for all very qualified and experienced nurses and midwives. On the Council would be equally concerned nurses from psych, ICU and other specialities equally affected.  MR Nuttall was supposed to address the next Council meeting in April. guess what he had other engagements! Not good enough!!! Poor Wendy thought university nurses need to get back to basics yet now they are getting paid more, remember the Chunder bucket comment.
From MOD it was recommended that all aggrieved persons lodge an application for payment and once they receive a denial one has 21 days to lodge a grievance. Don't sit back apply for it NOW. Ask for the IRM and form from your managers. The IRM is about 3 pages long with the application form on the last page.
This is what I have done personally thus far:
1. emailed to my DON incidentally our esteemed ICM President Caroline Weaver  what did she feel of this decision that effectively slapped us experienced midwives in the face because of our age and lack of opportunity to attend a University. I also indicated that I would NOT be preceptoring/mentoring student or graduate midwives- presently ACU and QUT. She replied that she had not received all the details (IRM) as yet (two weeks ago).
2. I have been in touch with QNC to enquire about the process to suspend my endorsement as a midwife, one writes a letter. You do not need to be a midwife to work in ANC or post natal wards as management keep telling us. Let those that are paid more to work in BS. This is a pretty drastic idea but if you believe in something, one has to draw the line in the sand. This may prompt QNC and employers to agitate QH to reverse this decision.
3.  I have spoken to my local member Dean Wells last week at the local ALP branch meeting and he has sent off a letter to Dear Gordie... ALP members- next Regional conferences coming up put in your motions and get rank and file ALP members backing you up. Our local members are horrified especially when I mentioned I only finished the Australian midwifery certificate in 1996. (Previously a NZ RN & O nurse in 1979 not recognised).
4. Written to the universities thanking them for their faith of my knowledge, experience and skill when supporting their students but as my employer does not recognise this knowledge and experience with monetary reward I would not be able to support their students. Again they need to show their concern by writing to QH if they are so inclined!
In solidarity
Barb Cook
-----Original Message-----
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Sandra J. Eales
Sent: Tuesday, 9 March 2004 11:37 AM
Subject: [ozmidwifery] Queensland Midwives - Response required

Queensland Health have finally released their position on the Qualifications Allowance which was part of the award determined by the IRC last June/July.
This allowance (3.5% pay rise)  is for post graduate tertiary qualifications or post graduate qualifications that the "employer values as equivalent".  The initial response from QH was that all midwives working in that clinical area would be entitled to this. After gestating for 8 or 9 months however, they have now decided that only university trained midwives will receive it.
This ill-judged and unjust decision will create division and resentment within midwife ranks.  Many of the most experienced and valuable midwives are hospitaI trained and their initial response has been that they no longer want to be involved with students.  Midwives need a strong and united response to this matter.  I would urge all Qld midwives, whether your school of midwifery was located in a hospital or university, to write a letter to the Premier or Health Minister Gordon Nuttall and let them know that this is unacceptable.
Sandra Eales

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