I"ve also heard of this being proposed in the US. I would hope that it would never pass the ethics commitee, but who knows.
survivor of 2 years in the USA - 18mo working in the hospital sysytem
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Monday, March 15, 2004 9:33 PM
Subject: [ozmidwifery] Only in America?

Dear List
I don't quite know what to make of this but at work today one of the obstetricians told me that he had heard of a proposed (?) double blind study into 'natural' vs Caesarean birth in healthy, low risk primips to be carried out in the USA.
Which means basically that healthy, low-risk women who agree to this trial will be assigned to either elective C/S or elective vaginal birth, and the outcomes will be assessed to see if the babies born by C/S have 'better' outcomes!
Anyone want to place bets on what this 'study' will 'prove'?
Have to say that the obstetrician was not in favour of it.  The potential repercussions are quite horrifying - same as the 'study' into breech births a few years back - how long before all birth becomes a surgical event we wonder.
Anyone know more about this?
Yours in disbelief
Susan Cudlipp

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