Hi Melinda!
Good to see you here. :)


----- Original Message -----
Sent: Monday, March 29, 2004 2:28 PM
Subject: [ozmidwifery] Hello I'm new

Hi everyone
I'm Melinda - mother to 2 gorgeous little guys Finn (4) and Eden (15mths) who were both born at home and bring me daily joy :)
I'm "kind of" new to this list in that I've been a member on and off over the years....every now and then I jump off some lists when my enormous email list starts to overwhelm me.
I'm currently a fulltime mum, but have previously worked as Naturopath/Homoeopath - specialising in Natural Fertility, Pregnancy, Birth and Postnatal care. During that time I was very privileged to attend some glorious births (both home and hospital) and can honestly say that I've been well and truly bitten by the "birth bug" - I will never tire of the sight of a woman in the throes of labour and the seemingly magical appearance of those wet, warm little heads as they make their way into this world of ours :)
Whilst I am not "technically" working at the moment - I am being kept very busy with being one of the founding co-ordinators of a new non-profit organisation called Natural Parenting Melbourne. Being more parenting related than my previous work, I am greatly enjoying the experience of following and supporting the "continuum" that follows the huge transition into parenthood called birth. It has been so affirming on both a personal and professional level to meet families who are securely committed to nurturing strong attachment and bonding with their children. IMO - the world can never have enough conscious, loving parents.
Looking forward to listening and learning from you all.
Melinda Whyman
~Parenting Naturally - Respecting our children and our Earth~
Phone: +61 3 9756 0464

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