I love this one too


Midwives help people out


-----Original Message-----
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Susan Cudlipp
Sent: Tuesday, 30 March 2004 9:18 PM
Subject: Re: [ozmidwifery] bumper stickers


I had a friend in New Zealand (sadly no longer with us) who designed T shirts with the slogan "Midwives help people out" which I thought was really cool and would love such a bumper sticker for my car.


Today I have had one of the saddest experiences any of us have to face, that of a routine ante-natal check in a healthy multip at 39 + weeks, and finding there to be no foetal heart.  I know this is part of the job, and I have had to deal with it before, but it just about broke my heart.

Not really expecting anything here - just sharing and feeling sad.


----- Original Message -----

Sent: Sunday, March 28, 2004 4:41 PM

Subject: Re: [ozmidwifery] bumper stickers




You can get fabulous "Human Milk for Human babies"

ones from the Australian Breastfeeding Association.


I had a fabulous sticker on my old car that said "midwives and Mothers Labour together"  I really liked that


Barb Glare
Mum of Zac, 11, Daniel 9, Cassie, 5 & Guan 1
ABA Counsellor, Warrnambool, Vic
Poster and Calendar orders [EMAIL PROTECTED]





----- Original Message -----

From: Jen Semple

Sent: Sunday, March 28, 2004 5:58 PM

Subject: [ozmidwifery] bumper stickers


Seeking in-put from MC branches around Oz, consumer organisations, ASIM, etc...


ACMI is looking at printing bumper stickers & there's interest from Midwives in Private Practice (MIPP in Victoria) & possibly MC (Vic) going in together to do
a massive print to reduce costs, have heaps of the same stickers floating around on cars all around Oz, etc.

Janine Clark (ACMI national student rep) & I are looking at organising this... if anyone has any suggestions please let us know!

One question to think about/dicuss is if all of these
organisations (ACMI, MC, MIPP, ASIM, etc) are keen to get stickers together, each sticker is not going to be able to have each organisation's name on it.  So I think each organisation needs to discuss why they want the stickers... to promote the organisation or to promote midwifery/birth reform (or other goal I haven't thought


If the goal is to promote midwifery/birth reform, maybe they could all have the MC website on them since that's the umbrella organisation.  If the goal is to promote the specific organisation, then I'm not really sure how this could be done.

Does anyone have any thoughts/feelings/ideas?

I've collated a list of suggested slogans below, but before slogans are debated, it's probably more important to discuss goals & priorities.


"Push for birth reform"

"I want 1-to-1 midwifery care"

"Midwives help people out"

"Women in the know know a midwife"

The NZ College of Midwives sell 3 stickers for around $1 each:

- Start life with a midwife

- I chose carefully, I chose a midwife

- I'm a midwife

Midwives Care! -Naturally!-



"midwives do it for life"

"midwives do it .. naturally"

'human milk for hu! man babies'

"the goddess or the birth machine - your choice"

peace on earth begins at birth

Midwives: saving the earth, one baby at at time


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