----- Original Message -----
Sent: Thursday, April 15, 2004 11:01 PM
Subject: [ozmidwifery] genital herpes in pregnancy

Hi all,
I posted a query last year re. genital herpes in pregnancy. I received one reply off the mailing list - thank you.....
BUT would like to try again to see if ANYONE can give me ANY information or tell me of their experiences with women who have active lesions when in labour.
With apparently 1 in 10 women suffering from genital herpes - this MUST be something that midwives are coming across in their practice.
My girlfriend is 24 weeks pregnant - and unfortunately going with a private obs. He has TOLD her that if she doesn't have any active lesions when in labour - he will ALLOW her to try for a natural birth... BUT if she has a lesion - then it is an automatic c/s - no ifs or buts. (This is the same obs that gives his clients stickers for not putting on alot of weight in pregnancy!!! )
I just find it hard to believe that active genital herpes should automatically result in a c/s... and am infuritaed that my friend is TOLD what will happen when it comes the time to birth her precious first baby!!! The little info. I have got - says very explicitely, that genital herpes is really only a risk if the mother contracts it (for the first time) DURING the pregnancy. The chance of baby contracting herpes or complications related to the mother's genital herpes (if already having herpes BEFORE pregnancy) is I think, something as little as 0.04%!!!! SO, WHY IS THIS AN AUTOMATIC C/S????????!!!!!!!!!!!
I have also heard of putting an op-site over the lesion during birth....(?????????).
PLEASE - could ANYONE tell me of their experiences; any information they have.... or where I could find any information on it. With 1 in 10 women having this - it must be something that you are faced with at some time!!!! 
Thank you! thank you! thank you!!!

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