I believe there is a random controlled trial of Misoprostil for IOL happening at one of the major maternity hospitals in Sydney. I dont think the results have ben published as yet.

From: Jen Semple <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: [ozmidwifery] VBAC
Date: Sun, 18 Apr 2004 11:51:20 +1000 (EST)

How common is the use of misoprostol for induction in Australia?

I've read it's used quite a lot in the US & that it's used in abortion in Australia, but all I've seen used for induction (in my 2 years as a mid student) in Oz is Prostin.

Would love to hear your thoughts/experiences.

3rd year BMid, Melbourne

Mary Murphy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
20040414-39 Uterine rupture associated with misoprostol labor induction in women with previous cesarean delivery - European Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology and Reproductive Biology , vol 113, no 1, March 2004, pp 45-48 Aslan H; Unlu E; Agar M; et al - (2004) OBJECTIVE: To review our experience with uterine rupture in patients undergoing a trial of labor with a history of previous cesarean delivery in which labor was induced with misoprostol. STUDY DESIGN: A retrospective chart review was used to select patients who underwent induction of labor with misoprostol during the period from February 1999 to June 2002. Women with a history of cesarean delivery were retrospectively compared with those without uterine scarring. RESULTS: Uterine rupture occurred in 4 of 41 patients with previous cesarean delivery who had labor induced with misoprostol. The rate of uterine rupture (9.7%) was significantly higher in patients with a previous cesarean delivery (P<0.001). No uterine ru!
occurred in 50 patients without uterine scarring. Women with a history of cesarean delivery were more likely to have oxytocin augmentation than those without uterine scarring (41% versus 20%; P=0.037). CONCLUSION: Misoprostol induction of labor increases the risk of uterine rupture in women with a history of cesarean delivery. (16 references) (Author) Article Type: Original researchStandard Search: P107 L14 L21
Yet VBAC women are still being induced this way. 4 out of 41 is pretty definite. M

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