Hello wise women,
Today I saw a primip term woman in spontaneous labour, who presented around midnight last night contracting, she was assessed to be in early labour and choose to return home. She returned around 10.30 and quickly became increasingly distressed by severe back pain. She said the contractions had increased slightly but was very distressed by the back pain. After she was assessed by her midwife to be 1 cm dilated, I attempted by first administration of Saline Papules, with little relief. She went home again for a while and returned this pm, still experiencing severe back pain that was unable to be relieved. She was again found to be 1cm.
So my questions are:
Are brow or face presentations associated with severe back pain, as none of the op methods made any difference and her level of pain was more akin to a late stage POP labour but with a LOL/LOA palp.
Is there a best time to do the SWP (was 1cm to early?), how long does the effect last? Could the poor relief following the SWP be because of poor administration technique or not in the exact/right position? Or was it because I only gave two injections?

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