Hello Everyone,

The first event of this tour, in Launceston, was a wonderful event. The presentations were fabulous - there wasn't a dry eye in the house when Vicki Chan roused us all to new heights of emotion with her lovely new video ("A child is born") and her practical session on dealing with OP labours was really useful. Her long list of techniques to try was really innovative.

Lynne Staff again inspired us all with her presentation on facilitating VBAC and the group worked on strategies for better education for women during her practical session.

Maggie Banks is one of the most "with women" midwives there is and her calm attitude towards viewing breech birth as a variation rather than a complication was refreshing. The discussion about the Term Breech Trial and ideas for instigating change to encourage vaginal breech birth were very useful. Everyone is receiving a great list of references and resources for these vital topics.

The Melbourne event is today (Saturday) and is full - we had to close it because of the huge demand for places. The other events still have places if anyone is interested - Adelaide on Monday, Perth Tuesday and then Brisbane on Saturday May 8, Townsville on Sunday May 9, Sydney on Monday May 10 and Albury on Tuesday May 11. You can register online at our website: www.birthinternational.com but phoning our office on 02 9564 2322 might be quicker and easier.

There are no plans to repeat this amazing event, so if you can make one of these events, you won't miss out.



Andrea Robertson
Birth International * ACE Graphics * Associates in Childbirth Education

web: www.birthinternational.com

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