Despite the fact that I took my 18 month old to a GP and had 2 locums come to my house in a matter of three days I ended up taking bub to hospital and was told by a doctor that he "couldn't believe a mother would let her son be so sick and do nothing" he then went out and asked a the group of students with him what does the symptoms point to, saying things like "the mother claims this and the mother claims that"  and some student said "pneumonia?" and then they walked off discussing the difference between a good parent and a bad...
WAS I A BIT CROSS???!!!!  You Bet!  The nurse said to me after another incident a few minutes later where I was spoken to in third person and called "the mother" that she strongly recommended I make a formal complaint which I did with pleasure. 
What really concerned me about this event was the patriarchal medical belief that as a mother I  did not know anything about my child.  I was slotted into god knows what little box in his mind.  Perhaps I should have worn one of my business suits to ER at 3 am!!!!  I might have been treated better than someone who had thrown on what ever clothes she had close as to get to hospital as soon as possible. Why is it that if someone who even appears to be in a lower socio-ecc bracket is a less than perfect parent?  I know some mothers who have incomes of over $100k and they spend less time with their children than they do with one of their clients...but they do send them to private school, have designer clothes that's okay..?  Our society has some warped ideas of what is a 'good' parent.
----- Original Message -----
To: ozmid
Sent: Wednesday, May 19, 2004 9:45 AM
Subject: [ozmidwifery] Good - Bad parenting.

Was talking to a niece on the weekend who is single, two children, youngest about 5 yrs old and diabetes diagnosed within months of birth.
We were discussing paternalistic doctors and she told me of the diabetic physician who made her feel like a bad mum because her son' s HBA1C was up a bit. He used the example of some other child whose mother kept her son's perfect, he was of a similar age and situation.
Nic finally met this perfect mum and child and instantly felt better. Apparently he has the social skills of a two year old and is was by suppressing normal children's activity that the mother controlled the HBA1C. Nic's son is a very normal child socially despite the diabetes and several other health problems. Her latest physician is quite happy with the levels by the way. He believes in the balance.

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