Just to add to the discussion -as I was finishing my infant massage class today I was speakig to a mum with a 3 week old bub -she seemed very relaxed,confident and connected with her baby although she said she had never had anything to do with babies before she had her own. I have a little theory - more and more this is confirmed - that when a mum has  anatural birth she is "primed" to mother her baby intutively. Sure enough - long labour but natural birth at Birralea (I hear good things about this place -  I am teaching in the vicinity),. 
HOWEVER - this mum had seen 60 minutes and said," does that mean Im going to be incontinent later because I had a natural birth?" I reassured her that even tho I am now "older" and have had 5 natural births -I am not incontinent and nor are many other women who do their pelvic floor exercises - Just because it's on the telly doesnt mean it's fact.
Seems there are repercussions and fears even for women who have already given birth safely and naturally.

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