Apologies for the coss-post.
Stumbled upon this on the net & remembered the horrible 60 Minutes spot...
Caesarians don't prevent incontinence - 28/11/2000
Caesarians don't prevent incontinence
Tuesday, 28 November  2000
The belief that vaginal childbirth is a major cause of urinary incontinence has received a major blow, with a population study showing a woman's risk of urinary incontinence is not significantly reduced by electing to have a Caesarean birth.
"This study supports the probability that it is the hormones of pregnancy, such as relaxin, which cause the damage" said Associate Professor Alastair MacLennan of Adelaide University Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology.
"That hormone relaxes the connective tissues during pregnancy, and never quite puts them back to the virgin state. The damage has already happened, its not just during the hours of labour" he told ABC Science Online.
The prevalence of pelvic floor problems, such as stress or urge incontinence, or intra-vaginal prolapse was found to be 42% in women who had one or more vaginal deliveries, as opposed to 35% prevalence in women who'd had Caesarean delivery.
"Pelvic floor exercises and surgery can help," said Professor MacLennan, "but unless mothers avoid giving birth, by means such as adoption, future pelvic floor problems after pregnancy are very likely," he said.
The cross-sectional population survey was conducted through the South Australian Department of Human Services annual epidemiological survey. It involved more than 3,000 people and found that women in general suffer more than men when it come to incontinence.
The study highlights the overall problem of incontinence for women. Even those who have never had children are four times as likely as men to have stress incontinence. Women have a 52% chance of stress incontinence after the age of 50.
"The survey highlights the high prevalence and major social impact of pelvic floor prolapse and incontinence in our society," said MacLennan. "It is a silent epidemic, as those with the problem are often embarrassed to talk about it," he said.
Urinary incontinence was found in 4% of men, but in 35% of women aged from 15 to 95, increasing to 50% among older women. More than 14% of women were found to suffer from rectal incontinence of flatus or faeces, while fewer than 10% of men suffered from the same conditions.
Other health factors associated with pelvic floor disorders were found to be weight, coughing, osteoporosis, arthritis, and reduced quality of life.
The results of the study are being published this month in the British Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology. It will also feature in the December issue of Climacteric, the journal of the International Menopause Society.
McLennan says there are two associations with low incontinence rates, "It's better not to have a baby, and it's better to be a man".

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