just a quick reminder of the National Caesarean Awareness Day celebration that will be held this Saturday at Waterfall Gully from 3.30pm -
Restoring the Birthing Woman Within:
a day of emotional healing.
A day of emotional healing is a time to share and express our emotions in a positive and meaningful way.
The day will incorporate story telling, those who feel comfortable can share their own personal story, a poem, a prayer or picture.  If you are unable to attend but still wish to share your thoughts, you may like to contribute to the booklet to be produced after the day "Expressions of Emotional Healing".  We welcome all contributions and you can submit yours on the web site : www.cares-sa.org.au
Each woman is also invited to bring the petals of her favourite flower(s) to scatter over the flowing water during the ceremony; symbolically cleansing and giving away.  Candles will be lit around the nation to link each states events.  Candles will be on sale on the day for a small cost.
Please keep in mind:
- the weather forecast is for rain, so please bring an umbrella or two if you have spare and dress warm!
- partners are welcome however the location is NOT suitable for young children (small babies excluded) as there is no pram access, the area for the ceremony is quite small and the waterfall is easily accessible for children.  CARES SA advise that it is not safe for young children.  It is also a time for adults to share emotions that some young children may not understand and could cause distress.  CARES SA has always welcomed and catered for children, however we must regretfully stress that this event may not be suitable. 
Please feel welcome to invite others whom you may think may benefit for this very special event.  We look forward to seeing you on the day!  And remember if you can not make it, you can still contribute to the booklet "Expressions of Emotional Healing".
yours in birth
Jo, Carolyn and the exceptional women of the CARES SA core group.

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