>>Violence is perpetrated against women and children all over the world, lets not equate abortion in this, lets make the world a better place for women and children to be born into and to live.
I'm not sure that I quite understand what you are saying, but I think you are saying that we shouldn't use violent sayings when talking about abortion. If that is correct then I would like to ask how you would describe it, if not violent.
I believe that abortion is incredibly violent toward the unborn baby eg. dismemberment, limbs being torn from the body, being cut up and sucked out through a tube in a process called "menstrual extraction",  "suction aspiration" tears the fetus and placenta into small pieces which are sucked through the tube into a bottle and discarded, poisoning-which we all know causes extreme pain in most cases,  etc etc, I am not sure how else you can describe these things. They are definitely not loving and kind and gentle. What about the use of aborted babies bodies for research, is that too not violent? Let's face facts it is the killing of a life, life in its simplest most innocent form, how can anyone deny that. Even someone that is pro-abortion, I imagine, would have a hard time denying that those are all violent acts.
It can also be very violent to women, physically and emotionally. It is a completely unnatural event, in most cases, and thus immeadiately creates risks. Having a vaccum stuck inside you to suck out the "contents", that you helped create, out of your uterus can of course pose a risk. Different procedures offer different risks, but here is a short list of damage that can be done -hemorrhage, infection, embolism, death, uterine perforation, cervical lacerations, pelvic inflammatory disease, increased risks of breast cancer, ectopic pregnancy, uterine damage etc etc.
"National statistics on abortion show that 10% of women who undergo this procedure suffer from immediate complications. (1) Over one hundred different complications have been associated with induced abortion. “Minor” complications include: infections, bleeding, fevers, chronic abdominal pain, gastro-intestinal disturbances, vomiting, and Rh Sensitization. The nine most common “major” complications are infection, excessive bleeding, embolism, ripping or perforation of the uterus, anesthesia complications, convulsions, hemorrhage, cervical injury and endotoxic shock. (2) Can you imagine what an honest warning label might read like for such a procedure?! " Mary Cunningham Agee
How can we honestly say that abortion is not a violent act, against a mother and her child. these are only the physical risks, but many women carry emotional scars all their lives.
Just as we see women very uninformed of the risks of intervention during childbirth, we too see the very uninformed choice of abortion. By trying to not see the reality of abortion procedures ie. how violent they are, are we not exactly the same as the doctors that gloss over intervention in pregnancy and childbirth? This is a quote from www.plannedparenthood.org and the kind of glossing over I am talking about
  • A tube is inserted through the cervix into the uterus. A hand-held instrument gently empties the uterus.
  • Please someone tell me where is the description of the "hand-held" instrument? Where is the description of what happens to the baby? How at all does this empower women in their choices?
    I wasn't going to enter my own thoughts into this but I am sick of women being told BS and am tired of people trying to see abortion as a "gentle" and loving thing to do for an unwanted baby. How many women do you think would really have an abortion if they could see the reality of what goes on, from what the drugs administered are doing to their bodies, to the baby being ripped apart, to a part of the being taken away?
    I appreciate Jeanine as she is talking about real empowerment. Encouraging women to take control of their fertility and their bodies rather than being fed BS about their "choices" ( obviously if a woman is raped then it is not her choice, but she should still be told about the realities of her choices. Some women that are raped feel like they get raped a second time if they have an abortion. I can't find the link but I think it was something like 1% of abortions in Australia are because of rape.) 
    I find it so distressing that abortion is used as a general form of "birth control". Apparently "98% of abortions are for convenience (these reasons do not include medical purposes, rape or foetal deformities)."
    This email has bevome very long, so I will send a seperate one for other distressing facts about abortion.
    Love Abby

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