>>Perhaps its time you turned the attention and energy around and focus on yourself and look at what it is inside yourself that you can't accept.
Is this really a serious comment? Because of the fact that I strongly disagree with something, then there is something I need to deal with. So.........because I disagree strongly with child abuse, pornography, rape etc etc, then I will need to look inside myself to see what it is that I can't accept?? I am willing to speak out against, what I see as major problems in our world, so this means I have issues. I know I have issues, but I don't see speaking out against the norm as that being a sign of them.
> worry that someone who works with women regulary would hold such harsh views. How can you care and support them adequetly feeling the way you do? Do you ask each woman before you work with them about their "abortion status" and decline working with them if they have had an abortion?
I love the "please don't judge women" comments and then the judgements. To the above statement, as if. If you knew me............well...............you obviously don't. Just because I feel strongly against abortion and feel the need to speak out against it, doesn't mean the topic runs my life. I am not even going to answer the second question.
So, I am guessing you are perfect, so you can care and support women adequately then? There are so many things in this world that people can disagree on. Here is a list that I think we would all have differing views on smacking children, co-sleeping, natural parenting, drugs in birth, breastfeeding, religion, politics etc etc, does this mean then, that because someone disagrees with you, then they are inadequate carers.
What does a woman need to care adequately for a woman? Is it the "right" opinion or is it a heart and passion for her and her journey?
Love Abby- please don't throw insults out, while telling me not to be judgemental.

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