Dear Ozmid friends -
A home waterbirth will be screened on ABC TV on Tuesday 26th October on "George Negus Tonight" at 6.30pm as a feature of National Homebirth Awareness Week.  The GNT team followed the pregnancy of Jenny Smith from Waikiki WA, and filmed the homebirth of  baby Bryce, in the care of Community Midwifery Program midwife, Lois Wattis.  Please spread the word among your friends and colleagues so the maximum number of people may share this experience. 
The 23rd Homebirth Australia Conference 2004 will be held on 30th and 31st October at Mandurah Gates Resort, Mandurah WA.   The conference titled "Reclaiming Normal Birth - How and Why?" is for everyone interested in birth - visit to see the program.  Those unable to attend the conference may be interested to know an interactive CD-ROM will be produced of the conference presentations and highlights, and will be available mid November for $10 including postage.  Orders may be placed in advance with Lois Wattis at  [EMAIL PROTECTED]    

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