Dear All
I understand you have all been informed of the screening of an example of 1-2-1 midwifery care (culminating in a waterbirth at home) on the George Negus Tonight ABC TV show across the country this Tuesday (26th October) at 6.30pm!!

I ask you all to use this as a personal and collective opportunity to advocate for universal access to  1-2-1 midwifery care for healthy women, including the option of waterbirth or homebirth as a women's/family choice!
You can do if you
* can personally speak of these options of care, choice.
* understand & want these choices for your local women/families,
You can do this by one of the following;
* phone your local ABC TV station and offer to speak as a part of promotion for this program giving a local perspective on this particular segment (the first in a program about rites of passage) 
* phone your local ABC radio station and offer to speak as a part of promotion for this program giving a local perspective on this particular segment (the first in a program about rites of passage)
Here in Perth Lois Wattis the midwife involved will be on the morning show on Tuesday!!
* phone your community newspaper and speak about the local perspective on this particular segment
For example your local group would like a community midwifery program as seen on this show ( as per NMAP or Implementing NMAP in WA for the sandgropers) or a hospital based version ( as per Adelaide, Rydeand or Implementing NMAP in WA for the sandgropers) or is working toward one (again as per Implementing NMAP in WA for the snadgropers)??
Contact GNT ABC TV and ask to see a program which explores this option to a greater depth  for example a Reality Bites type series
Get your partners, aunts, uncles to also express their curiosity to see more!!
Please help make the most of this first national exposure of 1-2-1 midwifery
Denise Hynd
"Never believe that a few caring people can't change the world.  For, indeed, they are the only ones who ever have." 
Margaret Mead

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