Dear listers
 WA's Today Tonight  (7)- last night ran a story of a woman who had a c-section for a breech baby who felt the entire procedure. Apparently she knew the epidural had failed and tried to alert the anaesthetist even asking to be knocked out. The woman likened it to having a limb chopped whilst awake. She is clearly traumatised by this experience and it affected her ability to bond with her baby. (now 5 months) The couple had wanted a third child but she says she would be unable to face this prospect now. She is planning on suing the anaesthetist (who had the gall to send her a bill!) and doing whatever it takes to ensure no-one else endures this pain. The husband spoke about feeling robbed from what should be a precious happy time for his family, where his wife should be overcome with joy at the birth of their second baby.
I am not sure what state or hospital this occurred - I missed the beginning. Perhaps anyone watching will think twice about the "pain free" experience of c-sections and epidurals for vaginal birth.

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