Title: A Christmas Ditty
I don't know Justine I think if she had presented for her booking visit the obstetricians may have refered her to the midwives because of all of her percieved problems!!
Happy Christmas to you all
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Monday, December 20, 2004 8:11 PM
Subject: [ozmidwifery] A Christmas Ditty

Hi All

I can’t claim this as my own, but it gave me a laugh.

Thanks to all you wonderful midwives out there that despite considerable odds are ‘with women’.

Remember Maternity Coalition is working hard to put midwifery on the map, giving birthing women and midwives a bright future.
If you are not a member please consider joining to support our ongoing work.

All the best to you and those you love
Justine Caines
National President  Maternity Coalition Inc


If the three wise men had been obstetricians... the birth would never have occurred!!

Can you imagine them keeping their hands off a teenage girl, unmarried, unsupported, in poor circumstances
and having an unattended birth at home!!!! albeit a stable.  Not to mention all the onlookers.
I am sure the angels were all midwives, telling Mary she could do it as she wanted!

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