Title: Safe and Sustainable Maternity Services for Rural Women: Australia Wide Post-card campaign
Dear Justine and all,
I am astounded after all the efforts and money that has been put into Camden
Yet again it is under threat of closure!!
Similar things are happening in WA we are to loose more maternity units and the Community Midwifery Program is to be under management that has no expereinece of waterbirth or  VBAC let alone homebirth and midwifery led care but where is the public protest from midwives, women or families?
Save for the  members MC WA??
Where are the politicians who support women's access or choice of safe sustianable services (midwifery led)?
Merry Christmas it looks like 20005 should be another year of struggle or immigration to NZ!!
Denise Hynd
"Let us support one another, not just in philosophy but in action, for the sake of freedom for all women to choose exactly how and by whom, if by anyone, our bodies will be handled."
— Linda Hes
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Tuesday, December 21, 2004 4:10 PM
Subject: Re: [ozmidwifery] Safe and Sustainable Maternity Services for Rural Women: Australia Wide Post-card campaign

I am not a woman from a rural area as yet but will be in the not too distant future!  I am more than happy to send a postcard and will get everyone I know to send them whether they live in rural areas or not!  Further it seems that Camden must now be considered rural or regional as services to birth your baby at Camden maternity or in their birth centre look likely to close on the 24th of January.  This is even endorsed by our acting director of midwifery.  So i will suggest this to everyone who is joining our Friends of Camden Maternity group.
Good luck with the campaign!!!
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Tuesday, December 21, 2004 12:07 PM
Subject: [ozmidwifery] Safe and Sustainable Maternity Services for Rural Women: Australia Wide Post-card campaign

Dear All

Sorry for such a request so close to Christmas, but it can be saved for the New Year as long as you promise not to forget.

Many rural women do not have access to a safe or sustainable maternity service and many rural families are suffering emotionally and financially.  Although Maternity Coalition is working hard for all women to access best practice maternity care, rural areas need urgent attention.

If you live in a rural or regional area please take the time to visit the Maternity Coalition website and print out the postcard and then sent it to Deputy Prime Minister and Leader of the National Party, John Anderson.  I met with Mr Anderson in July, where he undertook to get back to us on the solutions we presented for returning maternity services to rural areas.  Since then his office refuses to speak with me or answer written correspondence.  It is obvious this issue is too hard, but it also highlights their contempt for the plight of new rural families. We have a positive solution that will support so many more rural families, but Mr Anderson needs to know that Maternity Coalition’s work is supported.

Here’s the link

You will need to print front and back and stick it together and send.  A little painful, but the best way for us to get our message wide and far.


Kind regards


Justine Caines
National President  Maternity Coalition Inc
PO Box 105
Ph: (02) 65482248
Fax: (02)65482902
Mob: 0408 210273

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