Hi Anne
Are these articles on Cochrane? I had a lady the other day I was supporting and helping birth, and there was mec liquor, thin, but wen to thick right at the end, and the midwife I was working with suctioned at the peri, I had no idea it was not the thing to do....

On 16/02/2005, at 3:13 PM, Anne Clarke wrote:

Mec. liq. is not the end of the world, especially if the mother is overdue and there is no signs of fetal distress.  Depending on your workplace the mother needs to negotiate for intermittent electronic fetal monitoring (if you have to do it at all) and no suction of the baby at birth as the evidence does not support this procedure if done purely to reduce mec. aspriation.  If a baby is going to have mec. aspiration suctioning of the oro-nasal pharynx is not going to help and doesn't reduce the risk.

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