Where I work (large teaching hospital, dedicated 24hr "Pain Management Team," painrelief protocols codified by anaesthetic dept and adhered to by all from VMO down,) if LSCS was performed under epidural the women frequently have a bolus of Morphine down the EDB catheter prior to it being removed at the end of surgery. They are then managed with excellent pain relief with panadol and anti- inflammatories. There is a general ban on narcotics for 24 hrs but if necessary more analgesia would be arranged by the on site anaesthetic registrar after examination. Others who had a GA (and maybe a spinal) have a IV PCA using either Morphine or Fentanyl with the dosage and lockout time set by the anaesthetist at time of op but altered by on call anaesthetist if necessary (rare). This stays for maybe 2 days. They also have regular panadol and usually Voltaren.
All, unless asthmatic etc, have PR Voltaren before leaving the op theatre.
Some also have reguar Endone but I can't remember which circumstances- I'm usually in Delivery.
The level of pain control seems fantastic, especially when contrasted with the 3/24 Pethidine I was given after an emergency LSCS 15 years ago. Then, I could barely move and it was only by grim determination that I was able to look after my daughter. (and bloodymindedness- no one else was having my baby!) Now they are up and around, moving slowly but quite easily and able to get in and out of bed with none of the agony I recall.
Hope that helps,
----- Original Message ----- From: "Cheryl LHK" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: <ozmidwifery@acegraphics.com.au>
Sent: Wednesday, March 02, 2005 9:23 AM
Subject: [ozmidwifery] Analgesia post LUSCS

Not exactly natural birth I know, but can you give me some ideas of what your doctors/obst's order for analgesia days1-2 post LUSCS? Small hospital, and each doctor tends to have his own ideas, and sometimes we end up with all kinds of concoctions!! It doesn't make me very happy when I come onto night-duty, find women teary, in pain with nothing more than Panadol some days!

But I'm the first to admit that since I haven't a a LUSCS (three NVB's) I tend to keep up the pain relief because I think it must be very, VERY painful having major abdo surgery then up and learning about a baby as well. Is the LUSCS recovery period any more or less painful than other abdo surgery?

Thanks in advance.


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