Hi Joanne,
We were told this in the ALSO course and it can be found in the section on PPH in the readings.  Antepartum risk factors were listed which included nulliparity, no mention of multis or grandmulties. I have read some research on it somewhere since (possibly a MIDIRS) but can't remember where!  If I come across it again I'll let you know.  The ALSO course has multiple references at the end of each chapter, so not sure exactly where they got the info from but they claim it'sg evidence-based.

Mrs Joanne M Fisher <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Hi Michelle,
I'd love the references of that research on primips if you have them.  Thanks.
Cheers, Joanne
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Friday, February 25, 2005 3:52 PM
Subject: Re: [ozmidwifery] MORE ACTIVE MANGAEMENT

Hi Leanne,
There is some evidence now (as per the ALSO course and other research) to suggest that contrary to what we were taught previously, it is the primips that are more likely to PPH not the multis and grandmultis.  I can't claim alot of homebirth experience, but my feeling would be (like Marilyn) to be well prepared but not have active management unless required.  A friend of mine had 3 homebirths with labours of 12-16 hours (OP babies, last one born direct OP) and she had physiological 3rd stages with normal blood loss.  She took raspberry leaf tea in the last few weeks, so this may have made a difference too.

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