Dear Isis,
I have seen this occur on a number of occasions and it is usually performed using 'alligator forceps' by an older obstetrician or a new O&G resident who is not confident to do an ARM with an amnihook. It's a bit barbaric in my opinion and totally unnecessary! On the rare occasion when an ARM is really necessary then an amnihook is a much kinder way of doing it!

From: "Isis Caple" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: <>
Subject: [ozmidwifery] Pulling hair from fetal scalp
Date: Tue, 29 Mar 2005 08:35:01 +1000

Hi ladies,

Can anyone shed some light on this procedure for me please?

A pair of flat bladed (like tweezers) scissors being used to perform an
amniotomy with the possibility of fetal scalp hair and skin being 'pulled'
at the same time.

A good friend of mine only recently shared this experience with me about her
son's birth (August 2003). Apparently she and her husband were warned that
hair and/or skin may be pulled, if hair was pulled it was a good indication
of the babe being head down. After the procedure was performed, her son's
hair was presented to them on a piece of cardboard.

This was verified by another woman who overheard and shared her similar
experience. I have never heard about this procedure, I can't find reference
to it in any of my texts, or on the net. I must be looking in the wrong

Thanks- Isis

Leanne Wynne
Midwife in charge of "Women's Business"
Mildura Aboriginal Health Service  Mob 0418 371862

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