julie i have just finished my degree which was 3 years  here in australia as a DE midwife when i applied to some of the hospitals they wanted me to do a graduate year frist before being allowed to work in their hosptial. here in australia they still are stuck in the non nurse midwife mode and at some of the hosptials you still need to hold both degrees before you can get a job. i would approach the relevant nurses board where you want to settle as the law regarding midwives and nurses is different in each state. if you want to settle in sa i would recomend contacting the womens and childrens hospital as they have a few direct entry midwives from england working there already. im unsure of other states. the nurses board of each state can be contacted through the individual government portals through the net. i think that you also have to be contracted by the hospital to come to australia also before you get granted a visa to come here (this you also need to check). our univeristies now are training a lot more DE's this year alone in adeladie we have about 80 finishing compared to last year where 20 finished.i hope that if you do move to australia you become employed in  this wonderful profession of bieng with women and their significant others.
good luck with the rest of your course.
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Tuesday, April 12, 2005 4:04 AM
Subject: [ozmidwifery] Can anyone answer some questions from an English Student Midwife?

Dear Listwives,
If any of you can help with some of my queries it would be much appreciated. First, some background.
I am currently halfway through an Advanced Diploma in Midwifery (Direct Entry) at Bournemouth University. We have been given the option to convert to a degree in our final year (I qualify Sept 2006). My husband and I are visiting Perth this year in August with a view to possibly relocating there when I have finished my training. Ok now the questions!
1) If i move to Australia to practise midwifery do I need to have the degree or is the advanced diploma recognised. The reason for this question is if I convert to degree in the final year my bursary will be cut by about £300.
2) I read on one of the australian midwifery sites that if you have the degree your starting salary is higher. Does anyone know if this is true and does it only apply to Australian trained midwives?
3) If I move to Australia, will I be able to go into caseload practice as a newly qualified midwife or will I be expected to work in a hospital setting first?
Your help and guidance is much appreciated,
Love Julie Castle

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