How awful for the women who were intending to birth there, & for you & the other the staff working there for the PTB's at the Hospital to put out a media release & have a 'last minute' meeting as the only communication on this issue. Not 'professional', or caring in any way of the consequences of this decision to you & the other people who will suffer from it.
Was this a 'snap decision' by this Dr to go into private practice? Was there no dicussion beforehand that things were going to change & how to deal with it when it did?
So now the only women *allowed* to birth at Mareeba will be this Dr's private clients?
I so hope that you all as a community can use this opportunity to set up a fabulous midwifery-led service to provide an alternative to this Dr who seems to have no regard for those women who will not be his/her clients!
Hopefully there will be a great turn-out at this rally from all the women who have already had their babies with you & the other wonderful midwives there - its amazing what a bunch of angry women can acheive!
Please keep us posted on how it goes, & if I can offer anything in the way of support please let me know.

Maternity Ward Mareeba Hospital wrote:

We have put in a submission to operate as a freestanding birth centre but only God knows where that has gone.
I am on night shift and having a class out of town as soon as I was up I did not even see the news. It was left to a friend to tell me at 2100 that I might not have a job!!!. Those staff that were phoned were given 25 minutes to get into work for a meeting and the announcment that we may not have births here.
Now that I am at work I see the print out of the media release. We will be able to do antenatal and postnatal care. Big deal. They keep talking about safety to the baby but seem to have no idea that birthing on the road to another place is not safe. Here is a sentence from the release "The priority is to ensure women experience a safe environment in which to give birth supported by appropriately qualified medical and nursing staff." They just don't get it! Cairns Base Hospital is having trouble managing the births from Cairns and the high risk from the whole of Cape York. Atherton Hospital has had its proper maternity unit closed because of lead in the paint. They now have a poky little spot at the end of a surgical ward. I believe they only have 4 or 5 postnatal beds. No bath, no pressure in the water from the shower. Terrible statistics. Apparently that is safer than here. Midwives don't want to stay there.
Here we have midwives who have worked hard for the last 12 years to make this place what it is, a good example of midwifery model of care. None of these have been consulted. The women have not been consulted. After all, they are obviously not qualified to make a choice for the safety of themselves and their babies.
They reckon it will only be for up to six mohths. I am not sure what will happen then, they have been unable to replace our very able Med Super when he retired early last year.
We have the Mayor and council supporting us and it seems the phones were running hot (as I and several other midwives remained blissfully unaware of our fate) to MP's etc. There is a rally in town on thursday.
Pardon my rambling, I am tired and very very upset.

>>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] 05/09/05 10:48pm >>>
Is this not the time for Qld to its first midwife led maternity service in Mareeba??
Denise Hynd
"Let us support one another, not just in philosophy but in action, for the sake of freedom for all women to choose exactly how and by whom, if by anyone, our bodies will be handled."
â Linda Hes

    ----- Original Message -----
    *From:* Judy Chapman <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
    *Sent:* Monday, May 09, 2005 7:51 PM
    *Subject:* [ozmidwifery] Mareeba Maternity

    Mareeba midwives are in mourning. With our most experienced Dr
    going into private practice we have been told today that we may
    not do any more births after friday. We can still do antenatal and
    postnatal care.
    I have not yet been to work today so I had to find out from the
    local news!!!
    We will keep you posted.

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