Dear Cheryl,


The full program for the Congress, including the social program, is
available on the Congress website.  It includes details of all the
presenters and papers, together with the abstracts for each one.  Just click
on the Congress address below and choose the Congress Program button from
the left hand menu.  


Regards Barb.   


Dr Barbara Vernon
Executive Officer
Australian College of Midwives
Ph +61 2 6230 7333

'Midwifery: Pathways to Healthy Nations'
27th Congress of the International Confederation of Midwives
Brisbane Convention Centre, 24-28 July 2005


From: "Cheryl LHK" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: 17 May 2005 7:25:57 PM
Subject: [ozmidwifery] ICM

Just need some more info.

Have sent (and paid) the application to attend the ICM in Brisbane in July.
But have received no further information regarding the four days, which
lectures I can choose from etc, jsut the confirmation e-mail and receipt.
Has anyone else recieved more than this, or are they still processing


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