Ok so this is the abstract for Jo Anne Myers-Cieko's presentation on Monday 25th July. marilyn:

This is the story of a midwife whose career began with the unlawful and highly political act of attending home births in when the state did not recognize midwives.   And of a mother who had her first baby at home in 1976 with this midwife and her extraordinary colleagues.  With a vision for radically transforming maternity care by making midwifery care available to all childbearing women, these two women joined forces with other midwifery activists to establish an independent midwifery school, lobby for new laws, create state and national professional associations, launch midwife-owned birth centers, and organize consumer advocates.  Nearly thirty years later, they recall their trials and tribulations, share funny stories and joyful moments and reveal their hopes and fears as they contemplate the future of midwifery and childbirth in America. 


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