Hi Margaret :
I would be interested in assisting in some way! Please contact me at [EMAIL PROTECTED]
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Saturday, June 18, 2005 9:34 PM
Subject: [ozmidwifery] Midwifery in East Timor

Dear All,
I am a Midwife and Childbirth Educator working on the Central Coast of NSW.  I went to East Timor in May, after hearing that their mortality rate is 100 times that of Australia!  Only 10% of the women birth with a trained professional present.  Many birth alone, or with an untrained relative or friend.  There are village women who assist with births in the remote villages.  One village I visited was a 9 hour bus trip from Dili (just 180 kms away). 
I have been asked to provide some training for these women in the remote villages so that they are able to better care for these women and reduce the poor outcomes, and to be able to recognise problems during the pregnancy so that they can be moved into Dili before birth.
I am working on a training package at present, which will need to be translated into Tetum.  The training will take place at a Clinic in Dili where there are about 60 births / month.  I also need to become more fluent in their language - Tetum.  I will return to East Timor either later this year, or early next year. 
This is a voluntary venture, and the training will be provided free of charge for the village women, with accomodation included.  I will be looking for sponsorship for this as well as resources for these women to use in their villages at the completion of the training.  It is anticipated that this will be on-going, with maybe two trips / year to check and see how they are going and provide more training.  There are 5 women interested in the training at present.
If there is anyone who may have an interest in assisting with this training, or assisting in some way, or would like to know more, please contact me via email.

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